Yanga leader, a Dutchman, George Lwandamina, has suffered severe depression after his father died. - deepentz

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Yanga leader, a Dutchman, George Lwandamina, has suffered severe depression after his father died.

Yanga leader, a Dutchman, George Lwandamina, has suffered severe depression after his father died.

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A senior Yanga leader, a Dutchman, George Lwandamina, has suffered severe depression after his father died.

Lumbamina, who has joined Yanga in November last year, has lost her father who was suffering from paralysis where he died on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

"I'm expecting to leave today on August 31 to go to Zambia for burial and when I arrive," he said. "We're going to know when we're going to stay when I'm waiting for me to come.

"Dad was suffering from paralysis and died on Tuesday night, while I was staying there until I had everything stopped and I expected to return next weekend."

Herynews.Joins Tanzanian football family to apologize to George Lwandamina and his family for being left by their loved ones.

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